Aminosilanes are the precursors for silylamides and show a variety of crystal structures. Metal silylamides can be used as precursors for ALD and CVD, metal nitrides or silicon base non-oxide ceramics. Furthermore, some silylamides show catalytic activity (Ziegler catalyst analogue), act bactericidal, fungicidal or even cytostatic.


Synthesis using the Schlenk technique and crystal structure determination with single crystal X-ray diffraction of novel Aminosilane and silylamide compounds. Aminosilanes with two and three chelating ligands are used. Reaction of the aminosilanes with highly reactive metal species like LiAlH4 or AlMe3 results in silylamides. Identification of 9 crystal structures, including a trigonal-prismatic Cu cluster, [Li4N4] cubane-like clusters and an AlMe2 compound which demonstrate the structural variety of those compounds made possible via different interaction patterns with main and transition metals.